First Experience with Poly Pro

9 Days ago I ordered my first set of Poly Pro hoops. I have never tried using them before but a lot of people swear by them I got a super good deal on the 4 and I received them yesturday. So far they are really different. They are super light weight and somewhat difficult to put together. They connect using a friction fit tube. Out of the four hoops I was only able to get 1 together on my own. I even enlisted my boyfriend to try to help me but that didn't help much either. Time to get the hair dryer out and hopefully that will solve my problems.

On the plus side, they are UV reactive which looked really cool using the black light in my room. Thats how I got this picture:

What I found crazy was within using the orange one for 5 mintues I figured out how to do isolations!! I've been trying that for months. I figured out my problem though. I broke my wrist when I was 10 so my wrist isnt super strong. Apparently thats my issue. After practicing with the poly pro for ten to fifteen minutes I grabbed my LED hoop to try doing iso's with that but it was too heavy. Anyone know any exercises to strengthen your wrists? I'm dead serious. I want to keep improving with this. I want to perform and I need to fix the things I'm having problems with. Its all a learning process. Ok, I'll admit though, I can so far only do them in one direction with one hand but its a start! :)

On a little side note, I have plans with a few people to do some photoshoots with my hoops. Now I have a collection of 8, crazy right? Only 10ish months ago I had none. I just want to show the ones I have and what I can do with them. Feel free to check out my portfolio with a few of my hooping photos along with lightshows, scenery and of my friends band, OVERT:ME. I'm a jack of all trades I guess you could say. I just can't wait until I can start performing :)

Lots of Love <3
